Biblical Principles for Sparking Motivation
Happy New Year!!! Are you ready to hear those words? I know! It doesn’t seem possible that another year is almost logged into the books. But if you’re like me, when New Year’s Day does roll around, you’ll be packing away the old datebook with all its memories and accomplishments completed–or still in the making. Then thinking about all the things you hope to do in the coming months. Maybe it’s short-term projects like redecorating a couple of spaces around the house, cleaning cupboards, or reorganizing your closet. But there are the long-term projects as well. Becoming healthier, becoming debt-free or changing negative habits you’ve long held onto. Maybe you have ideas I haven’t mentioned??
One of my favorite things to do on January 1 (and yes, I am kind of nerdy about this) is to open my old and new datebooks and transfer over the common information needed for the new year. Then, I fill in commitments already made into the new datebook. And finally, I begin mapping out those items I would like to accomplish during the year. It requires a lot of prayerful thinking for me simply because I have learned through this practice that I will not accomplish any of those projects in which I do not have the right motivations to do them.
The Biblical Perspective.
Right motivations, you say? Yes. Right motivations. By definition, motivation is the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. By the world’s standards, for example, someone may be motivated to work because they will receive a paycheck. So that is why they go to work every day. But I would like to suggest that from a Christian mindset, motivation is a more layered concept. Yes, a Christian will work to receive her income. But, she will also work with a loving and kind nature toward others because she desires (or is motivated) to represent Christ in the workplace, working diligently in honor of the Lord. She goes to work knowing it is where God has placed her to accomplish His will.
So how does this relate to accomplishing your goals in this new year? Just like the girl who is motivated by her love for Jesus to be a good and kind worker in the workplace designed for her by God, your goals and plans are also designed for influence with others throughout the coming year. They are part of who the Lord created you to be. Do you want others to see the love of Christ in all you do? At the gym, for example, or in the paint store? If the motivations of your heart are to represent Christ, then there is your motivation to accomplish the tasks before you!
God’s Purpose.
How are God’s purposes and our motivations connected? We have already touched on this, but let’s look at it just a bit further. We see in God’s Word that when God created man and woman, he determined His creation was very good. He had created beings that were like Him, who could choose what they would do and how they would act. He designed us with particular talents, abilities and personalities to accomplish what we liked and were gifted to do. And in that ideal garden of Eden, God, man and woman all shared the same desire–or motivation–to enjoy the garden and enjoy relationship with each other.
This changed drastically when Satan enticed Eve to disobey God. At the very moment Eve chose to disobey, her wrong motivations went into play. And we’ve been plagued with wrong motivations ever since. What are wrong motivations? The desire to do things that are not in God’s will for your life. This is when we push God out with things that are not aligned with how He created us be…things that may not even be sinfully wrong…just wrong for you. See, God wants to bless you in all the things you do when they are aligned with His desire for you. His words in Jeremiah 29:11 have been an encouragement for me so very often to stay the course in having right motivations in all I do. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Think of the rewards we have through right motivations! Blessings, protection from harm, hope and a future in heaven to look forward to! This is quite a contrast from being banished from the Garden of Eden as Adam and Eve were when their wrong motivations took over!
Practical Planning for Right Motivations.
So let’s apply right motivations to our lives! Here ‘s a little plan I’ve found works wonderfully for me, whether my task is something I enjoy or something less preferred :
Pray. Begin each day with asking God to be in the center of everything you do, say and think. I like to pray Psalm 19:14, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Now you have set your mind according to what is desirable for both you and the Lord!
Set goals. Write down all you have to do, then prayerfully ask God to help you prioritize every item. Now you have partnered with the Lord to accomplish His purposes in you!
Do the hard work first. Remember when God created the earth, He had so much to do! So, He took care of all the basics first, and took a look at it and said it was good. Then He went to the creation of life forms, culminating with man. At that point, God said it was very good! Stop every so often as you’re working. Maybe even set a timer for each task in the same manner that God worked one day at a time. When thats done, take a look at what you’ve already accomplished. Then share that moment with a word of gratitude to God!
Reward yourself when the task is complete. God rested on the seventh day. He celebrated His accomplishments, and by doing so, set an example for us. It is important to do this! And once again, speak gratitude to God for enabling you to accomplish the goal!
Finally, the apostle James speaks of right motivations in his letter to the New Testament christians when he says, “In all you do, do it in an attitude that is pleasing to the Lord.” My attitude becomes one of right motivations when I stop to consider that God designed my desires and that He wants to bless me when I act on them in love. WOW! Now, that’s motivating!!